The teaching of R.E at Radbrook Primary School
Our RE curriculum aims to equip our children with the knowledge and understanding
they need for the wider world full of differing viewpoints. They will develop their
confidence in sharing their own views while still being respectful towards others.
Our curriculum follows the Shropshire Agreed Syllabus for RE (2021-2026). Children
build on their prior learning and develop deep understanding of the religious and
non-religious world views, by learning about Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Humanists
and Jews, as they progress through the school. We have regular visitors into school,
to share different religious and non-religious world views, through workshops, class
visits and assemblies.
We believe that through our RE curriculum, children will be respectful towards, and
show positive attitudes towards, those with religious or non-religious beliefs, which
may be the same or different to their own, within the school community and wider