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Radbrook Residential Visits

This year, 2021 -2022, we are starting a new Residential Adventure with ENTRUST OUTDOOR  EDUCATION.


Their Website gives a very clear overview of who they are, where they are and what they offer (see link):


We have, through consultation with their team and previsits, built a new residential package, starting in Year 5 and building through to Year 6.


When children are in Year 5, they will have the opportunity to go on a 3 day (2 night) Residential experience at Laches Wood (around 50 minutes away). This year, the Year 5s are going from 25th – 27th May. In Year 6, the children will go on 4 day (3 night) residential to Standon Bowers (around 1 hour away) and this year they will be going from 14th June – 17th June. The centres are following Covid guidelines and have been operating residential visits already this year. As the months warm up, we are hopeful the residential visits will still go ahead.


The Year 6s will be joined by the Year 6s from the two other MAT schools, Greenfields nd Mount Pleasant, which will mean they will meet other fellow peers before going off to Secondary school, helping with transition.


The Entrust team have plenty to look at on their website but they have also kindly put together this information video for pupils and parents, to give a preview of the trips. Both Radbrook Primary and Entrust Outdoor Education are happy to answer any queries and school will liaise with parents during the preparation phase from January.


Below is the link to the presentation:
