At Radbrook Primary School we place the highest priority on the pastoral care for our children. Nurture is a way of helping children develop vital social skills, confidence and self-esteem, ensuring they are able to learn. It encourages pupils to take pride in achieving – addressing the social and emotional needs that can hamper learning.
Nurture is a place for children to have the opportunity to grow in confidence and become engaged, successful learners in their classrooms and the school community. Nurture is an environment where adults and children work closely together; a place where mistakes and accidents are discussed; where boundaries are put in place and where children learn about themselves and their world, at a pace and in a way that suits them.
The purpose of Nurture is to offer children opportunities to re-visit early learning skills and promote and support their social and emotional development. There is much evidence that children’s learning is most effective when they have a sense of emotional well-being and positive self-esteem. The Nurture Room provides children with this opportunity and so helps to develop their maturity and resilience. The Nurture Room is a place of learning. Our assessment tool, the Boxall Profile® determines which pupils would require to be in the nurture group based on their social, emotional, and mental health needs.
Mrs Worley and Mr Taylor are trained (ELSAs), Emotional Literacy Support Assistants and provide invaluable time with the children, whether this be in a 1:1 session or in a small group. Some of the areas that ELSA covers are: self-esteem, team building, friendships, social skills, counselling, anger management or understanding emotions.
Mrs Worley and Mr Taylor will work across the school in a reactive and responsive way to our children, offering ELSA sessions in the mornings. Alongside this, Mrs Worley will be offering a morning Nurture drop in session, where our children can pop into Nurture for some toast and a chat about their day ahead. Mrs Worley will also offer a lunchtime Well-being Club, where children can play in a quieter environment with small mindfulness activities are provided.