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Reading at Radbrook


Reading is a key skill and at Radbrook Primary School we believe that children should be continually developing their reading skills and increasing their love of books. Phonics is taught using the RWI scheme throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Year 1 and the first term in Year 2, as these are the building blocks of working out unfamiliar words. Tricky words – those that cannot be decoded – are also taught so that, combined with their decoding skills, children are able to speedily and skilfully read and comprehend texts. Following on from this, in our guided reading lessons, we use Fred’s Teaching. These sessions equip children with the skills needed to become fluent and competent readers. Studying a range of genres, including stories, poems and non-fiction, texts have been chosen to link with topics being covered, key focus events such as Black History Month and a wide range of texts to broaden their reading experience. This structure is consistent across the year groups and ensures that children develop and improve their comprehension skills and confidence. A love of reading is an important factor of reading at Radbrook and children are also read to daily by their class teacher. 

Our Radbrook Reading Spine

Radbrook's New Outdoor Library

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Somewhere our children can go and enjoy reading and books within our quiet area of our playground.