Severn Bridges ECO Schools
The children from the MAT schools enjoyed their first meeting together as eco reps back in November! They collectively made junk art using different kinds of rubbish. The aim of this was to discuss and highlight the problem of waste and the importance of waste reduction for our schools. They also wrote a poem together based on the Brian Moses poem , Dreamer! We thoroughly enjoyed our first trip at the Flaxmill and they did a top job representing our school.
Our 4 Eco reps from KS2 are looking forward to our next Eco trip to the Flaxmill next week where we will focus on planning a fundraising event before the summer term so we can provide our schools with recycling bins for paper and plastic. Our mini eco reps will have in school meetings with ks2 eco reps this term so they can build upon their ideas collectively. We look forward to hearing about their future plans!
Our Aims
The children talked together about what they hope to achieve through their work on the eco council.