Activities to share with your children
Ideas and activities to share with children
I am worried about my child – what can I do?
- One of the most important ways parents or guardians can help is by listening to their children and taking their feelings seriously. They may want a hug, they may want you to help them change something, or they may want practical help.
- Children and young people’s negative feelings usually pass. However, it is a good idea to get help if your child is distressed for a long time if their feelings are stopping them from getting on with their lives, if their distress is disrupting family life or if they are repeatedly behaving in ways you would not expect at their age.
- If your child is having problems at school, a teacher, school nurse, school counsellor or educational psychologist may be able to help. Otherwise, go to your GP or speak to a health visitor. They can refer a child for further help if necessary. Different professionals often work together in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
- Most mental health support for children and young people is provided free by the NHS, your child’s school or your local council’s social services department.
- Shropshire Council has information to support and advise parents further.
- Young Minds has a Parents’ Helpline you can call if you’re worried about a child up to the age of 25. They provide advice, emotional support and signposting to other services.
Organisations that can help.
- Barnardo’s protects and supports the UK’s most vulnerable children. They provide a range of services to help and support children, young people, parents and carers.
- CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) runs a free, confidential helpline and webchat service offering help and advice to anyone feeling down or in need of support.
- ChildLine is a free, confidential service where children can talk about any issue they’re going through. You can call their helpline or use their webchat to speak to a trained counsellor.
- The Children’s Society supports children going through serious life challenges. They run services and campaigns to make children’s lives better.
- Contact offers advice and support to families with disabled children. If you’re a parent caring for a disabled child, you can arrange to speak to an adviser for practical and emotional support.
- Family Lives offers information and support on all aspects of family life, including the stages of child development, issues with schools, parenting support, bullying and mental health concerns.
- Papyrus supports people under 35 who have thoughts of suicide and others who are concerned about them. You can contact them by phone, text or email.
- You can text Shout on 85258 for confidential support by text.
- The Mix offers free emotional support to people under 25 by phone, webchat or email. They also offer a short-term counselling service.
- YoungMinds offers information and support to young people about their mental health and helps adults to support young people in their lives. If you are a parent worried about a child’s mental health, you can call their helpline.