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Equality Objectives and Plans

The governing body have set the following objectives which are to be reviewed in the summer term.

  • To ensure that pupil premium expenditure continues to have a positive impact on outcomes for those pupils targeted, with the added support of our tutoring groups
  • To continue to minimise the attainment gaps between boys and girls.
  • To work with the EWO to support PPG and SEND children and their families to ensure high levels of attendance.


How will we achieve equality?

  • Produce provision maps to cater for individual pupils’ barriers to learning.
  • Learning support for some PPG pupils (identified on school tracking system) with 1:1 focus supporting barriers to learning and feedback support from lessons and books.
  • Mentoring support for identified children 1:1
  • High quality Education Welfare support to continue – linking closely with attendance focus staff in school.
  • Additional support allocated for some PPG children across all year groups.
  • Targeted interventions with priority for PPG children each week.
  • Increased communication with families of SEND/ PPG pupils with poor attendance.
  • Offering cultural capital support for PPG children through offering financial support with visits / charges for events and for e.g. through resources such as school uniform for children newly signed to free school meals.


Information on how we meet our Public Sector Equality Duty:

Severnbridges Multi-Academy Trust Equality Statement
